Xtrackers AI Installation

Interactive installation for rebranding campaign

Together with Candylabs, Bourros and expo design, over 5,500 people were sent on an impressive journey into the future at Frankfurt Airport for the DWS Group Xtrackers in March 2024 – that’s an incredible 165,000 years in 4 weeks.

In just 3 months, the innovative idea was brought to life in the security area at the airport, from conception and design to development and installation.
Through an interactive journey through time, the Aging installation creates an emotional view of one’s own retirement provision. An experience that generates brand awareness in the target group. Beyond the visit to the stand, the user journey on the visitor’s smartphone is extended by a digital lead path and enables them to download the video of their own journey through time.

The aging installation created an innovative marketing asset for Xtrackers that can be reused at various locations such as trade fairs or at the POS.

