Security & Privacy Boxes

Security & Privacy BoxesSecurity & Privacy Boxes - Master Thesis The thesis goal was to investigate the usability of Security & Privacy Boxes. For this purpose, a research question was posed to evaluate the usability of Privacy Boxes in the case that users want to protect themselves against unwanted use of their data as well [...]

Fast Order Button

Fast Order ButtonFast Order Button - Sensory Minds The idea was to provide an IoT device to retailers that would allow them to order products swiftly and without having to log in to any order platform or even use outdated technology (fax, phone, print). The delivery method/logistic solution for the "Digital Trigger Device" was by [...]


UNIT3UNIT3 - Bachelor Thesis The Bachelorthesis covers the conception and prototypical realisation of a technology sustained Pervasive Game, called UNIT3 and is based on preceded research about computer games in virtual and physical environments. The concluding result of the research is the theory that virtual environments limit the capabilities of play in games and therefore [...]


JunoJuno - Media Project 4 Juno is an audio-visual product for couples living in a long-distance-relationship. The vision is to create a world where couples in a long distance relationship can overcome distance and have the opportunity to be closer in an intuitive, simple and highly emotional way. Juno makes long distance relationships all over [...]