Security & Privacy Boxes

Security & Privacy BoxesSecurity & Privacy Boxes - Master Thesis The thesis goal was to investigate the usability of Security & Privacy Boxes. For this purpose, a research question was posed to evaluate the usability of Privacy Boxes in the case that users want to protect themselves against unwanted use of their data as well [...]

Multi-Frame Super-Resolution

Multi-Frame Super-Resolution ToolMulti-Frame Super-Resolution Tool - AVT Audio and Video Technologies The goal of the project was the development of a "simple" multiframe super-resolution tool, where a low-resolution image sequence (LR stack) serves as a basis to compute a higher-resolution image (HR frame). The corresponding image registration (BR) shall take into account translation, rotation as [...]

Autonomous Indoor Drone

Autonomous Indoor DroneAutonomous Indoor Drone - AMS Special Aspects of Mobile autonomous Systems In this project an autonomous indoor flying drone was built, that is capable of creating a map of its surrounding room and navigating through it on its own. The drone in this project was custom built and equipped with a variety of [...]